Alia hiromi garcia

Alia Hiromi garcia

About me 

I grew up in the local area and aside from my background in dancing, my hobbies include reading, travel, socialising with friends and learning new things. After studying Hispanic studies and Art at university, I travelled the world as cabin crew for almost 15 years.

That part of my life has contributed massively to my love of dance and culture. In 2021, I acted on my interest in psychology and studied counselling and psychotherapy. I still enjoy learning about the world of psychology.

My dancing journey began at a young age with flamboyant dance styles including Disco, Cuban Salsa and Flamenco. 

Dancing Talk  

Fast forward to 2012 and my love for the beautiful art of belly dance was born. I dived in head first and took part in stunning workshops led by industry famous Ozgen and Lorna of Cairo.

I am now a well known and established belly dance performer in Birmingham. I've also had the privilege of dancing across England, including London's prestigious Arab Quartely in 2020. 

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